Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, Feb. 23rd check-up

I went back to the doctor today, and everything is still going great. I gained 1 1/2 pounds and my blood pressure was actually good today. I couldn't believe it! We just did a quick ultrasound to check to see if the cord was around his neck because the last time it looked like it was, and it has bothered us ever since. The cord was not around his neck, but he has flipped back to head up. She said that didn't matter because I was having a c-section if he didn't turn back again. We tried to get a 4-d picture again, but he was being like his daddy...AGAIN, and he had his hand in front of his face. I guess he wants to be a surprise for us!! That's ok because it's only 4 weeks from today, and he'll be here!!
Oh, we could see that Isaac has some hair!! He should as much indigestion I've had!!


Shelley said...

Gald everything was good!! Not much longer!

Jodie said...

I'm glad your check-up was good. Those 4 weeks will be over before you know it. Take Care.