Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, Feb. 23rd check-up

I went back to the doctor today, and everything is still going great. I gained 1 1/2 pounds and my blood pressure was actually good today. I couldn't believe it! We just did a quick ultrasound to check to see if the cord was around his neck because the last time it looked like it was, and it has bothered us ever since. The cord was not around his neck, but he has flipped back to head up. She said that didn't matter because I was having a c-section if he didn't turn back again. We tried to get a 4-d picture again, but he was being like his daddy...AGAIN, and he had his hand in front of his face. I guess he wants to be a surprise for us!! That's ok because it's only 4 weeks from today, and he'll be here!!
Oh, we could see that Isaac has some hair!! He should as much indigestion I've had!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shower Time!

The teachers at school gave me a shower/potluck meal today. We had lots of great food, and they gave us a Wal-Mart gift card. I am very lucky to have such wonderful friends and collegues. They have taken really good care of me throughout this pregnancy, from watching my class while I took a quick rest and got off my feet to checking to make sure my blood pressure was doing good. They have been a big help! We managed to get some pictures when we were resting from "stuffing our faces" from all of that great food.


Here are the gifts we got from Wendi. She got him an outfit, teether rings, a rattle toy, rubber duckies, and some booties with baby lions on them. This outfit is really cute....might bring him home in this.

Here are the gifts we got from Anna. She got him the book "Just in Case You Ever Wonder" and a football shirt. She got me a bath set that smells like fresh cotton. It smells really good! This book is really sweet! It's one of my favorite books!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, Feb. 16th check-up

We went back to the doctor today, and so far so good. My blood pressure was high, but they made me lay on my left side, and my nurse took it again about 10 minutes later. Luckily, it went down. I had been having some tightness and pressure over the weekend, so he checked me just to make sure. Everything was good. He hooked me up to the non stress test machine to make sure I wasn't contracting. I was having small ones but nothing to make a big fuss about. He said it was a good reading. I gained 2 pounds and go back next Monday. Not much longer!! I kind of had a rough weekend...the anxiety of it all is starting to set in!!

February 10th checkup

We are only 6 weeks away to the c-section, and everything went great today. My blood pressure was always is when I go there. He still wants me to keep up with my readings by going to the clinic each day. I gained 2 1/2 pounds in 2 weeks, but that only makes 19 1/2 so not so bad. I talked him into doing an ultrasound so we could try to get a 4d picture. It took about 20 minutes and the only shot we got of his face is a profile...which is better than what he gave us last time which was nothing. He had his fists up and his feet in his face. We guess he's camera shy! Hope he gets over that...mommy will be taking lots of pictures when he gets here!!