Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan. 28th check-up

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and everything is still going good. I had an ultrasound to check his growth and the fluid around him. She said he is growing great! We tried to get a 4D picture of him, but he had his hands in front of his face. He's already acting like his daddy (not doing what I want him to do! :) I didn't gain any weight and my blood pressure was fine. I've been writing them all down each day, and he was pretty satisfied with them. If your wondering how much Isaac weighs, well let's just say he's probably going to be a linebacker for the football team. He weighs 4 lbs. 1 oz.!!! On New Year's Eve day he weighed 2 lbs. 5 oz., so that means he gained almost 2 pounds in ONE MONTH!!! At least he will be healthy and that's all that matters to us, and that he gets to come home with us! We don't have much longer. It'll be 7 weeks on Monday until the c-section.

I would post some pics of his room, but Heath is starting to take the crib apart because it has a recall, so we have to take it back. I promise I'll get some on here....some day! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I know some of you are curious to see how much Leah has grown. So, I've posted some new pictures for you to see. She's growing like a weed.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, Jan. 18th

Well, this past week has been a rollercoaster with my blood pressure. It has been up and down. It is mainly staying down, but it is spiking every once in a while. I left work Tuesday because it was up high, so my nurse said to go home and rest for the day. It must have worked because it's been down. Last night, it was too high, but it went back down. I just want to make sure I am taking care of Isaac first, and I'm trying not to worry about it too much because I know that will just keep it up. I have been taken off of my recess duties at school that way I can rest for an hour before I start the afternoon (which is wonderful!) I have just been trying to take it easy because I still have 9 weeks left until the c-section date.

January 12th appt.

My check up this day was good except my blood pressure. It was high! I gained 5 pounds, and Isaac is growing. I am still measuring 3 weeks ahead. He wants me to keep an eye on my blood pressure to make sure it doesn't keep spiking up because he might have to change my medicine if it continues. I go back in 2 weeks for a check up and ultrasound to check the baby's growth and the fluid because I am on blood pressure medicine.

New Year's Eve Day check-up

Well, I wasn't suppose to go back to the doctor until Jan. 7th, but I had to go a week early because I have had a bladder infection and some back pain. He wanted to see me early so he could check me out. Everything was good. I did my sugar test and passed! I gained one pound and my blood pressure that day was also good. We did a quick ultrasound, and she gave us a 4d picture. It's not that great because he was moving and he had his feet up at his face. I will be going every 2 weeks now.