Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Name Time!

Well, we have decided on a name! I can't believe we have agreed on a name this early because we were back and forth with a name for Colton. So, we have decided to name this little precious one, Isaac Cole. We both liked Isaac, and Cole is after his big brother, Colton. We will call him Isaac, not Cole. We want this baby to be his own person, not a replacement. Many people have asked if we'd call him Cole, and that is just too close.
Keep checking in, and I'll have pictures of Isaac's room!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We went back to the doctor yesterday, and it's a boy! We had a room full of family, and I don't think there was a dry eye in the ultrasound room. It took the ultrasound lady a little while to find out what the baby was because she said the baby was being stubborn, which he gets from his daddy! So she had me roll over on my left side, which I couldn't see the screen. When she found it, I looked over, and I saw the "little turtle." I asked her what it was, and she said "it's a boy," which I knew it when I saw the screen but I just had to hear it. I had been saying all along that is was a girl because I have a harder time with baby boys than I do with girls, but God knows best! My blood pressure was up a little but they said it was probably because I was so emotional. I gained one pound, and we are doing a c-section March 23, if all goes as planned. We are so excited and can't wait! Now it's time to start looking for a name and getting the baby's nursery ready!