Today we took Isaac to the doctor for his first week check-up. The doctor said he looks great, and he lost one ounce, but the doctor said usually newborns lose more than that in the first week, so he is doing great and on the right track. I didn't get pictures of when the doctor was in there because he had to pull the skin back where he was circumsized because the skin was growing back which it's not suppose to. It starting bleeding and Isaac was not happy. I was more concerned with getting our questions answered rather than thinking about pictures. After we were finished, we changed his diaper, and he peed all over the wall behind him. It was very funny! It was like a water sprinkler going off! At least he didn't pee in his own face. He goes back in one month. We really like his doctor. He is really nice.
Before Isaac's appointment, I had to go back to get my staples removed. They said everything looked great with me and the scar, so I was happy with that.
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